About Nightlight Out of Hours Crisis Services - Hertfordshire Mind Network
Nightlight is an out of hours Mental health crisis provision in Hertfordshire, providing a warm, welcoming, non clinical and safe environment for adults in crisis. We offer emotional support, a listening ear, engage in craft and leisure activities, signposting and provide generally a safe, comforting, warm and welcoming space to chat over a cuppa!
We provide 365 days a year support via Crisis Cafe visits in the evenings, a Nightlight helpline every evening of the year from 7pm - 1am, and a weekend Nightlight Crisis House Provision with 4 bed overnight capacity for 4 nights, Fri, Sat, Sun and Monday. Established 7 years ago, operating out of hours throughout Hertfordshire, supporting people in a non clinical, person-centred, non judgmental way. Easy access to all, (also for enquiries and referrals via one telephone number, the Nightlight helpline: 01923 256391Nightlight Out of Hours Crisis Services - Hertfordshire Mind Network