Frequently asked questions about GoVolHerts

We've put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about GoVolHerts and what we have to offer. You can also visit the our Resource Library for guidance on how to use the platform. For any further enquiries, you can get in touch via email: [email protected] 

What is GoVolHerts and who is behind it?

GoVolHerts is the home of volunteering in Hertfordshire. It is a project of North Herts and Stevenage Centre for Voluntary Service (NH&SCVS) and is funded by Hertfordshire County Council. GoVolHerts is managed in partnership with Deedmob, an innovative Dutch start-up whose mission is to develop a software that can empower everyone to contribute to a better world. Find out more about Deedmob here

What does GoVolHerts do?

GoVolHerts is a digital platform designed to help individuals offer their time and skills to support a local good cause. The platform provides autonomy to its users through a complete journey that includes searching for opportunities, being accepted, and staying directly in touch with organisations without the need of a third party to intermediate this process.  


Through the GoVolHerts platform, volunteers and charities can easily: 

  • Create and edit a profile 
  • Explore or share volunteering opportunities 
  • Connect with others and discuss what they’re looking for 
  • Begin their volunteering journey 


Other features for organisations include the ability to create a custom application form and share opportunities via social media instantly. Charities can also communicate with individuals, a group, or all volunteers securely. 

How do I get started with volunteering in Hertfordshire?

GoVolHerts makes it easier than ever to start volunteering. The process can be done by yourself, from your office or the comfort of your home, and the best part: for free! 


By clicking 'I want to volunteer', you will be able to search the entire county for volunteer roles local to you. This new quick and easy portal means you can find a role tailor-made for you. 


Found a role you like? Create your profile, verify your account through an email you will receive from us, and click on the ‘join’ button to let the organisation know you're interested in supporting their cause. 


Once you've registered your interest, there’s no need to contact GoVolHerts as the organisation will be in touch to let you know the next steps. 

I am new to creating volunteering opportunities – how can GoVolHerts help me?

We hope that using GoVolHerts will be easy and intuitive, even to the first-time user. However, there is Help Centre for many common activities. Also, the GoVolHerts team is available to offer guidance on how to generate local interest in your opportunity alongside our own marketing activity. You can share your opportunities on your social media profiles straight from our platform too. Read more about this here

How will you keep my data safe?

Data is stored securely and access to it is strictly controlled. The design of the site is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulations. You can read our privacy policy here