About A Heart for Abbots Langley (AHAL)
We're a group of volunteers holding weekly coffee mornings in Abbots Langley. Formed nearly twenty years ago, when there wasn't any coffee shop in the village, to create somewhere for lonely and vulnerable to meet over a cuppa and homemade cake.
The coffee morning is every Thursday (unless election day) in the Methodist hall (the coffee morning is not representative of any religion however: it is a venue central to the village).
It can be a very busy and lively coffee morning and we welcome everyone and anyone to come in for a cuppa or if they have a few hours, to help in any way that they can, e.g. baking, serving, washing-up, setting up tables, clearing away at the end, chatting to new visitors or those who may sit on their own.
The coffee morning is coordinated by Leaders: helpers are on a rota and asked to volunteer about once a month, less often if there are more volunteers, accordingy to their own availability.
Money raised go to local charities, schools, clubs and societiesA Heart for Abbots Langley (AHAL)