Post | October 2023 | Volunteer Stories | 1 min read

There's a real feeling of togetherness and friendship

Written by GoVol Herts
Naomi - volunteer at HiT Theatre

"I have been a volunteer for one of the adult groups at HIT for over 3 years now. From the very start I was made to feel welcome by all of the team and participants.

I love how all session leaders always involve everyone, including volunteers, during sessions. We all have an active part to play in the production process. This is quite unique, and is one of the reasons I continue to volunteer my time each week.

There's a real feeling of togetherness and friendship in the group I really enjoy my time volunteering at HIT, and as much as I give, I feel I gain a whole lot more! The community that surrounds HIT is special to be a part of.” 

Naomi, HIT Volunteer

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