"Engages you with your community, you learn and develop new skills, meet new people, improves your self-esteem and without a doubt will make you more a positive and happier person"

Meet Eva Nagy, Support Coordinator for Reach Out, North Herts & Stevenage CVS & Volunteer at British Red Cross
What volunteer role do you do and why did you start volunteering? I am in training to become an Emergency Crisis Responder for British Red Cross. I have always had a charitable side and raised money for several UK based charities through the past 10 years, by taking part in challenges such as walks/hikes etc. It has always been on the back of my mind to do more, however the moment I realised the time is now, is when I started to work for Reach Out as a Support Coordinator. Meeting so many wonderful volunteers who they have busy lives , family engagements and full-time jobs and still being available to support the community, I really thought I do not have any excuse to postpone my sign up.
How you make a difference? I will be attending emergency call outs alongside with local emergency services, to support vulnerable people who have been affected by fire, floods, severe weather, water shortages, anti-trafficking, rest centres etc. As an Emergency Response Volunteer, I will be giving support to the affected people at the time of need, such as -emotional support, signposting/helping to get further support, distributing clothing or water etc. I will be also driving an Emergency Response Vehicle which is well set up and stocked for the purpose.
Why would you recommend volunteering to others? I strongly believe that the voluntary sector is a pillar to statutory services. It provides you with a strong sense of purpose, engages you with your community, you learn and develop new skills, meet new people, improves your self-esteem and without a doubt will make you more a positive and happier person. If anyone has in the back of their mind to become a volunteer, just sign up now, think about what you are passionate about and find a suitable charity to support, but mostly, believe in yourself, when you find the right place, your life will become so much brighter and more purposeful.