Caring Volunteer to assist staff at our Growing Ability Project

Caring Volunteer to assist staff at our Growing Ability Project

Long term role · 2–3 hrs/Week
Ransom's Recreation Ground, Nightingale Road, Hitchin, England SG5 1RB, United Kingdom
OutdoorsGardeningCooking & eatingCare workSupport workSocial contact
Nature & sustainabilityWellbeingCommunity & family

Contact person

Hayley LanfearAsk Hayley a question
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The Triangle Community Garden
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You'll be assisting our staff team enabling adults with support needs to enjoy being outdoors, growing food and flowers in a supportive nurturing environment.

Detailed description

Growing Ability is our social therapeutic horticulture project for adults with learning disabilities. Our trained staff work with up to six adults with support needs (we call them our 'gardeners'), in structured sessions focusing on the personal goals of the each individual.

Having a volunteer join our sessions allows us to give that little bit of extra care and attention to gardener, which they really benefit from, to help them access tasks effectively and work towards their goals. The outcomes of this work are incredibly rewarding both for our gardeners and for our staff and volunteers.

We asked one of our volunteers to share their experience of assisting regularly at Growing Ability:

What expectations did you have? 'I thought I would be able to encourage and enable the gardeners to develop their skills and confidence.'

How have you found being a volunteer? 'Very enjoyable, worthwhile and fulfilling for me. You can be a volunteer and be treated as a dogsbody, but at this project volunteering is quality volunteering.'

What do you do as a volunteer? 'I work with and support two of the gardeners; I encourage them to be independent. If they make a decision of what they want to grow, or do on the allotment, whatever their decision is, I help them to facilitate it. Decision making is so important. And whatever the gardeners’ decisions are, they are the right choices for them. If they are able to make these decisions, their confidence grows.'

How would you sum up your experience: 'It’s a very worthwhile, happy project. I feel the gardeners benefit from coming to us as well as the volunteers. Everyone who helps at the project has something different to bring to it, including personality and skills.'

Full training and induction will be provided.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

Growing Ability takes place at Ransom's Allotments and we meet at Ransom's Pavilion Alexandra Road, Hitchin SG5 1RB
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About The Triangle Community Garden

We’re a community garden, based in Hitchin, helping people of all ages and abilities to ‘Connect, Grow, Enjoy’ through gardening and contact with the natural world. We do this through:
- Supporting physical and mental health through our social therapeutic horticulture and healthy living projects
- Nature-based volunteering opportunities
- Community events and workshops, walks and talks based around living in balance with the natural world
We're always excited to welcome new people to get involved!