Leader & Side Helper
Contact person
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Without helpers there would be no RDA, the job is vital. We operateschool term time only - Monday & Thursday mornings 09 am - 12 noon.Detailed description
Helpers are there to provide support to enable the rider to ride and carry out the directions of the coach. Helpers provide the minimum assistance necessary and let the riders ‘do the work’. There are two separate jobs – the Leader and the Side Helper who with the pony work as a team. The Leader manages the pony/horse and follows the instructions from the Side Helper or Coach. They prepare the pony/horse for the ride – checking girth, stirrups, bridle. Lead the horse/pony round the school before he is ridden to loosen him up and ensure he is sound. The Side Helper walks beside the rider and gives moral and physical support which should be kept to a minimum. They are there to listen and understand the coach and relay instructions if necessary. Further information will be sent to you if you apply.