Art therapy volunteer

Art therapy volunteer

Long term role · 6–7 hrs/Week · Starting from 30 Jan 2025
WD17 3PH, Watford, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom
Arts & craftsCreativeSupport work
HealthCommunity & familyWellbeing

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Applications closing in 3 months.2 spots left.
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Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care
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This is a unique opportunity for a newly qualified art therapist to use your qualifications to gain valuable experience in a real-world environment.

Detailed description

Main tasks


·      provide individual and group work art therapy support to clients, patients, children and families affected by life-limiting illness and/or bereavement

·      attend and contribute to MDT (multi-disciplinary team) meetings to discuss individual cases and needs

·      maintain current and accurate records on our clinical database, ensuring information is updated in a timely manner

·      attend mandatory supervision provided by us

·      Maintain accurate patient/client records and provide verbal or written feedback as required


What are we looking for?


·      a qualified art therapist

·      someone who will relish the opportunity to develop their skills in this interesting and challenging environment

·      a team player

·      the ability to be empathetic and patient, allowing participants to find their own way of interacting with the materials on offer

·      someone who will understand and follow all relevant RGP policies

·      an understanding of safeguarding

·      someone who understands that confidentiality is paramount


Training and support


·      there will be a named line manager who will provide ongoing support

·      there will be some mandatory training that you will need to complete at the start of your volunteering with us and then periodically afterwards as refresher training which will include data security and confidentiality

·      your line manager will organise training specific to your role

·      we will set up a Rennie Grove Peace email account. This will be used for all communication about clients to ensure that confidentiality is maintained at all times

·      we will ask you to complete an online data security training module to help with your understanding of data protection and confidentiality


What you need to know


·      you will complete a volunteer application form, and we will ask for one reference from someone who knows you well in a professional context

·      you will need to complete an Enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check for the adult and child workforce for this role.  

·      patient facing volunteers will have access to supervision support from line managers

·      client support and your own supervision may be given virtually. You will be expected to follow our Virtual Visit and Virtual Groups policy, and your line manager will go through this with you

·      we welcome everyone and will make reasonable adjustments should they be needed

·      we will pay reasonable expenses incurred, should you wish to claim them

·      we rely on the commitment of our volunteers to support our services; however, we understand that you may need to take a break from your volunteering. When you are ready to return, your line manager will meet with you to talk about the role and make sure it is still right for you and may ask you to complete some refresher training.


To protect both patients and volunteers, you MUST NOT:

·      give clinical advice or medication

·      counsel clients

·      give out personal contact details

·      witness any legal documentation for the patient or their carer

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support

Getting there

Applications closing in 3 months.2 spots left.
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About Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care

We are a charity providing care and support for adults and children with a progressive life-limiting illness, and those who care for them, in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.  ​​
Our support begins as soon as it is needed – whether that is at the point of diagnosis, or when a symptom or support need arises. Our patients are supported to live the best quality of life they can through the combination of outpatient, rehabilitation and supportive care services, Hospice at Home and inpatient care that is right for them. ​ ​
We are also here for those around our patients, including family, friends and carers, ensuring that everyone can receive the right support, wherever and whenever they need it.   ​​
Our care is provided at no cost to our patients and families and is made possible by the generous donations we receive from our local community.   ​