Occasional Helper with Sighted Guiding - Opportunity -12058

Occasional Helper with Sighted Guiding - Opportunity -12058

Long term role · Flexible hours · Starting from 25 Aug 2023
Flexible location
CampaigningAdvice & MentoringCare workBefriendingAssistanceSupport workAccompanying
People with disabilities

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RNIB, the Royal National Institute of Blind People
Scan me or visit www.govolherts.org.uk/o/RNIB-the-Royal-National-Institute-of-Blind-People/opportunities/Occasional-Helper-with-Sighted-Guiding---Opportunity--12058/69345 to join


This flexible opportunity puts you at the heart of supporting blind and partially sighted people. You could help with: • sighted guiding / giving practical help

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About RNIB, the Royal National Institute of Blind People

RNIB, the Royal National Institute of Blind People, is the UK's leading sight loss charity. We offer practical and emotional support to blind and partially sighted people, their families and carers. We raise awareness of the experiences of blind and partially sighted people and campaign for change to make our society more accessible for all. We want to change our world so there are no barriers to people with sight loss.