Retail Volunteer - Chorleywood

Retail Volunteer - Chorleywood

Long term role · 0–7 hrs/Week
7, Witton House, 24-38 Lower Rd, Chorleywood, Rickmansworth WD3 5LB, UK
Community & familyHealthWellbeing

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Keech Hospice
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Our Volunteers are at the heart of the day to day running of our shops. We thank you for your time given to the charity.

Detailed description

Our Volunteers are at the heart of the day to day running of our shops. We thank you for your time given to the charity. The shops provide much needed income to provide nursing care for our patients. Our purpose is to care for our patients and to support their families and friends. Whilst aiming to provide the most efficient and provide appropriate care, both physically and emotionally in their home or at the Hospice.

Tasks may include:

• Welcome, assist and serve our customers in a warm and friendly way providing a good standard of customer service.

• Ensure Gift Aid is explained clearly and promoted to all our donors, and thanking them for their valuable contribution.

• Promote public understanding of our work and the importance of raising funds, including promoting Hospice events and activities to the public.

• Help sort, steam, hang and display our donated stock and rotate the stock following the Manager’s guidelines.

• Deal with customer purchases, confidently process the cash handling and the accurate operation of the till.

Skills and Qualities:

• Honest, trustworthy and respectful.

• Enthusiastic with a positive attitude.

• Good communication and numeracy skills.

• Presenting and maintaining shop displays in an attractive way to help create sales.

• Reliable, committed, dependable and flexible. 

• Enjoy interacting with the customers and working as part of team, as well as under your own initiative.

Training available:

• Ongoing support, training and development opportunities.

• Specific relevant training – Health & Safety, Fire Safety and Equality and Diversity.


• On site training.

• Develop new skills and meet new people.

Dress Code:

• Well presented smart/casual appearance and appropriate comfortable shoes to be worn.

• Volunteer badge to be worn.


Time, commitment and availability can be discussed and agreed by the Shop Manager.

Where possible to be able and committed to work four hours a week i.e. 9-1pm, 1-5pm

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About Keech Hospice

Keech Hospice is the adult hospice for Luton and south Bedfordshire, and the children’s hospice for Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Milton Keynes.