Volunteer mini bus driver (evenings) for Hertsmere Mencap
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Scan me or visit www.govolherts.org.uk/o/Hertsmere-Mencap/opportunities/Volunteer-mini-bus-driver-evenings-for-Hertsmere-Mencap/67450 to join
Mini bus drivers wanted! You will join a rota of drivers to take members to social clubs in Borehamwood and St Albans (3hrs a month)Detailed description
Hertsmere Mencap supports over 200 learning disabled members of all ages, their families and their carers and is run by a small team of part-time staff and many volunteers.
We run daily activities, an evening social club, a youth club, a weekly Drop-in and a children’s holiday club
We run a minibus, mainly used to take members to social clubs in Borehamwood (Tuesday) and St Albans (Thursday). You will join a rota of volunteer escorts so that you may only be asked to volunteer once every few weeks.
Hours: Average of 3 - 5 hours/month in the evening and occasionally in the daytime
Background: You will be required to have a DBS check to work with vulnerable children and/or adults. You will have a clean driving license. If your licence was issued before 1997, it should allow you to drive D1 vehicles (up to 16-seater minibus as per our one). If issued in 1997 or later, you may need to take a driving test to cover you to drive a D1 vehicle.
Key Tasks
· Assist the driver when collecting members from their homes (in Borehamwood) to their clubs in Borehamwood or St Albans and picking up from the clubs.
· Helping members on and off the minibus and where necessary, taking members to their front door
· Help members with any issues that may arise during the journey
· Ensure the members interests are at the heart of everything we
- Ensure members can trust, feel safe and have confidence in the support we provide
Club times:
· Magpie (St Albans) 7.30-9.30pm every other Thursday
· Jubilee (Borehamwood) 7.00-9pm every Tuesday
Personal Attributes
The ability to create friendly, relaxed and constructive relationships with people with a learning disability – be a good communicator and be ready to take part in – or start – a singalong!
About Hertsmere Mencap
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for our members and their families by reducing the risk of loneliness and isolation and providing our members with fulfilling activities that also increase their opportunities to socialise and make new friends.
We run a programme of daytime activities for (18+) Adults at a local hall in Borehamwood. Our activities are designed to focus on building confidence, independence and learning new skills. Our daily activities consist of arts &crafts, music, youth club and evening social club, a drop in coffee morning, drama and dance.
We run a holiday club for children (5-16) with a learning disability and their siblings, during school holidays (Summer, Christmas, and Easter) and provides a fun and stimulating experience, including activities and outings.