Committee members needed

Committee members needed

Short term role · 1–3 hrs/month · Starting from 19 Jan 2025
Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom
Arts & craftsCreativeTrusteeship
Art & culturePeople with disabilitiesWellbeing
Trustee opportunity

Contact person

Applications closing in 3 months.
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Herts creatives
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We are a small creative mental health community project and we need to set up a committee to help give strong governance to project and to help develop project

Detailed description

We aim to raise awareness of mental health and reduce stigma and offer creative opportunities to those with lived experience of mental health challenges and we are starting a committee in early Feb 2025 to give good governance to community project and to help shape and develop the project moving forward and we need some committee members and no long term commitment required but an interest in mental health and creative opportunities would be advantageous and we monthly in Letchworth to form the constitution and appoint roles and to work on project requirements and over time we will develop the opportunities we wish to offer across Hertfordshire in a creative way, our main short term aims are to offer a regular zoom poetry group, walk for wellbeing group, creative newsletter, poetry book and online website with creativity from service users and we may consider an online creative magazine and we will meet regular as a Committee and also have a sub group to further development the project moving forwards and anyone with an interest in this opportunity and can make the first meetings in Feb and March please feel free to get in contact

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs

Getting there

Please message for details
Applications closing in 3 months.
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About Herts creatives

We raise awareness of mental health challenges and aim to reduce stigma and offer creative opportunities to those with lived experience and offer a creative voice across Hertfordshire