Volunteer befrienders, ESOL teachers and team members

Volunteer befrienders, ESOL teachers and team members

Long term role · 2–4 hrs/Week
Flexible location
TeachingReading & WritingSupervisingCooking & eatingEvents & festivalSportsYouth workAdvice & MentoringAssistanceBefriendingSocial contactArts & craftsMusicEnglishArabicPersianSpanishDariPashtoUrduTigrinyaUkrainian
Refugees & minoritiesPoverty reductionWellbeing

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Herts Welcomes Refugees
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Volunteers needed to welcome & support refugee families & asylum seekers, roles include befriending, teaching English and working as a team to organise events.

Detailed description

These roles are available:

Volunteer team leader - overseeing a team of volunteers and working with other team leaders in the charity

Befriender - supporting a family or individual to settle into their new community - practising English, assistance with every day situations such as shopping, library visits, school enrolment.

ESOL teacher - providing structured ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) support to individuals or to small groups of refugees / asylum seekers. This can be face to face or online.

Team member volunteering at asylum seeker hotels - supporting with teaching English (we can provide training), helping with events and activities such as art classes, cookery, outings.

Delivering bicycles - assisting our bike coordinator with rehoming second hand bikes to asylum seekers and refugees.

Bookkeeping support.

We have opportunities across Hertfordshire but there is a particular need in the following areas:

Hemel Hempstead - ESOL teachers

Welwyn/Hatfield - befrienders, ESOL teachers, team members and team leaders

Broxbourne - ESOL teachers, team members

St Albans - befrienders, team leaders

Hertsmere - ESOL teachers, befrienders, team leaders

Watford & Three Rivers - befrienders, ESOL teachers, team leaders

North Herts & Stevenage - befrienders, ESOL teachers, team members

We provide an induction for new volunteers along with basic ESOL training if you are new to teaching English. We will assist volunteers with getting a DBS certificate. We have a buddy system and run regular group sessions where our volunteers can get together to share ideas.

Volunteering with Herts Welcomes Refugees is a great way to make a positive impact in someone's life.

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
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About Herts Welcomes Refugees

Herts Welcomes Refugees provides a range of assistance and support to refugees and asylum seekers across the county to complement that provided by local councils and the Refugee Council's Hertfordshire Resettlement Project. We also help some refugees and asylum seekers who are not supported by either the Refugee Council or local councils.