Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

One-off role (flexible time/location) · 15 May 2024, 12:00 – 15 May 2025, 13:00
From home
Community & familyNature & sustainabilityWellbeing
Applications closing in 8 months.
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Hertford Heath Parish Council
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Looking for a Graphic Designer to help create occasional promotional leaflets.

Detailed description

Are you looking to improve your graphic design skills?.

We are looking for someone to help out our parish council with creating leaflets and flyers.

These will be stand-alone jobs.

Currently need someone asap as we have one job that needs to carried out immediately.

Everything will be online so can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Applications closing in 8 months.
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About Hertford Heath Parish Council

Hertford Heath Parish Council are the first line of local government to support the community of Hertford Heath. We are looking for 4 parish councillors to help support the local community.