Board Member

Board Member

Long term role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
Trustee opportunity

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We are recruiting committed trustees (including a Treasurer) to help us to fulfil our role as the local independent consumer champion for health and social care

Detailed description

We would like to encourage people with differing perspectives, lived experiences, skillsets, and from all stages of life or career to apply. We are looking for people who have some of the following skills, but you may also be able to offer complementary skills not mentioned here:

  • Experience of health and social care around aging, youth wellbeing, mental health, disability and caring
  • Strong understanding or experience of HR, learning and development
  • Experience in brokering partnerships, increasing impact and influence
  • Grass roots involvement and coproduction
  • Applied research design and delivery

In addition, we are also looking for a new Treasurer to enable our board to discharge its responsibility for the financial position of Healthwatch, seeking assurance for and enabling sound financial management and controls, and our financial sustainability.

Previous governance experience is not required, but would be welcomed. Training will be provided to support you as needed.

Our Board should be drawn from, or be able to relate to Hertfordshire’s diverse communities and places, and we encourage applications from underrepresented groups. We want to have differing perspectives and views of the health system, from any stage of life or career.

The role is voluntary and unpaid. Out of pocket expenses will be paid in line with policy. The Board usually does its business online using Zoom and MS Teams, complemented with a few in-person meetings/events typically held in central Hertfordshire. We estimate it will take up approx. 6h per quarter for Board and Committee Meetings, plus prep time. We also require regular attendance at strategic days, away days and adhoc Company meetings incl. AGM.


We welcome informal enquiries about these roles, and more information on this and the application process are provided via the application form.


What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
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About Healthwatch Hertfordshire

We are the independent champion for people who use health and social care services. We’re here to make sure that those running services put people at the heart of care.

Our sole purpose is to understand the needs, experiences and concerns of people who use health and social care services and to speak out on their behalf. One way we do this is through high quality research and engagement.

As a charity with statutory powers, we work to ensure local people’s voices get heard, act as a ‘critical friend’ to organisations that provide health and social care, and hold the system to account.

We work to get services right for the future, and to ensure that people’s worries and concerns about current services are addressed.