Volunteers to help at Harpenden Child Contact Centre

Volunteers to help at Harpenden Child Contact Centre

Long term role · 4–5 hrs/month
129 Station Road, Harpenden, AL5 4UU, United Kingdom
Children & youthCommunity & familyWellbeing

Contact person

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Harpenden Child Contact Centre
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Harpenden Child Contact Centre facilitates contact between children and their parents from whom they are separated often following family breakdown.

Detailed description

Can you spare a Saturday afternoon, once every 2 months?

Harpenden Child Contact Centre is a local Charity, started in 2006, which provides support to families by facilitating contact between children and their parents or other adults from whom they are separated often following a family breakdown. Usually the Centre opens on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month providing facilities for up to 18 children, in the hall attached to All Saints Church, Harpenden.

We are asking for your help.

We would like to recruit more volunteers to support the sessions. We have a pool of dedicated volunteers who usually attend the Centre once every 4 sessions so once every 2 months. The task is not onerous but is very rewarding. There is an induction process and training is provided. If you are interested in learning more then do please contact us. 

We should love to hear from you. 

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

🤝 Extra support

Getting there

Church Hall, All Saints Church in Harpenden (Batford)
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About Harpenden Child Contact Centre

Harpenden Child Contact Centre is a local Charity providing support to families by facilitating contact between children and their parents or other adults from whom they are separated often following a family breakdown.