Volunteer for raised bed garden maintenance flexible

Volunteer for raised bed garden maintenance flexible

Long term role · Flexible hours · Starting from 1 Mar 2025
1a Broad Oak Way, Stevenage, SG2 8QL, United Kingdom
Community & familyPeople with disabilitiesOlder people

Contact person

Vanessa PerkinsAsk Vanessa a question
Applications closing in 6 months.
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Crossroads Caring for life
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Gardening maintenance of large raised flower bed & pathway

Detailed description

Its a flexible role , low maintenance on a regular basis . You do not need to be expert gardener but able to remove unwanted weeds plants & saplings . You just need a kind heart, ability to work with others if needed and want to give back to the community

Raised Flower Bed needs regular attention as seasons demand . fortnightly , monthly as needed . We are in the process of clearing the raised bed re plant with low maintenance bedding, pollinator plants & herbs to be inviting to the community who use our small centre. Some path clearing too

Getting there

1A Broad Oak Way, Broadwater, Stevenage SG2 8QL Behind the row of shops -Entrance off Turpins Rise
Applications closing in 6 months.
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About Crossroads Caring for life

Crossroads supports Carers and people living with care needs at home and in their local community. We are incredibly passionate in supporting people to live well at home and have a good quality of life