Treasurer /Trustee
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We are looking for a new treasurer to join the board at Headway Hertfordshire and help us move forward with our missionDetailed description
Treasurer Role Description
The overall role of the treasurer is to:
- Maintain an overview of the organisation's financial affairs
- Ensuring its financial viability and sustainability
3. Ensuring that proper financial records and procedures are maintained.
4. With other trustees to hold the charity “in trust” for current and future service users.
Duties and tasks to fulfil these responsibilities
1. Maintaining an overview of the organisation’s financial affairs
I. To advise on the financial implications of the organisation's strategic plans
II. To ensure the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects
III. To protect and manage the property of the charity and ensuring the proper investment of the charity's funds.
IV. To keep the board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities
V. To carry out ad-hoc spot checks on Headway Hertfordshire’s financial procedures
2. Ensuring its financial viability and sustainability
I. To agree, present and monitor the annual budget
II. To carry out an annual financial risk assessment
III. To ensure that the charity has an appropriate reserves policy
IV. To ensure that the charity has an appropriate investment policy
V. To ensure that there is no conflict between any investment held and the aims and objects of the charity
VI. To monitor the organisation's investment activity and ensuring its consistency with the organisation's policies and legal responsibilities
VII. To contribute to the fundraising strategy of the organisation
3. Ensuring that proper financial records and procedures are maintained
I. To oversee, approve and present accounts and financial statements at periods required by the board
II. To ensure that the accounts are prepared and disclosed in the form required by funders and the relevant statutory bodies,
III. When external scrutiny of accounts is required, ensuring that the accounts are scrutinised in the manner required (independent examination or audit) and any recommendations are implemented
IV. To make a formal presentation of the accounts at the annual general meeting and drawing attention to important points in a coherent and easily understandable way
V. To set, review and monitor compliance with the organisations financial procedures
4. With other trustees hold the charity in trust for future service users.
I. To ensure that the charity has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these;
II. To be responsible for the performance of the charity and for its “corporate” behaviour;
III. To ensure that the charity complies with all legal and regulatory requirements;
IV. To act as guardians of the charity’s assets, both tangible and intangible, taking all due care over their security, deployment and proper application;
V. To ensure that the charity’s governance is of the highest possible standard.
5. Attend meeting throughout the year
I. There will be 4 quarterly trustee board meetings in each calendar year normally held via Zoom but may be one face to face meeting if required
II. There will be a strategy awayday in September
III. There will be an AGM on October