Dedicated GoVolHerts volunteer Opal was recently recognised for her outstanding commitment and contribution in her roles with both GoVolHerts and North Herts & Stevenage Community Transport Scheme. Joining North Herts & Stevenage CVS after retirement and bringing three decades worth of exceptional organisational skills, attention to detail, and a genuine passion to both roles, Opal is an absolute gem! We were delighted to join with NHCVS colleagues to present Opal with a certificate of recognition and, thanks to a successful nomination to Room to Reward, a free hotel stay, recognising the significant impact of her volunteering in our community.
Elwyn Williams, who has been a volunteer driver with North Herts & Stevenage Community Transport Scheme since March 2017, was also recognised with an award. Holding the record for the most transport bookings two years in a row, Elwyn completed over 236 bookings last year!
A big thank you to all our amazing volunteers!
About Room to Reward
The charity Room to Reward recognises volunteers across the country quietly driving positive change in ways many of us take for granted. Transforming unsold hotel rooms from over 900 partner hotels into meaningful gifts for dedicated volunteers. Any organisation that relies upon volunteers can apply and nominate outstanding people. Find out how to nominate at https://www.roomtoreward.org/
Interested in volunteering with your local Community Transport Scheme?
Browse our many Hertfordshire Community Transport opportunities
North Herts & Stevenage Community Transport Scheme is looking for another admin volunteer, as well as drivers.