"It has helped to give me a sense of purpose, provided mental and physical rewards as well as teaching me valuable skills"

Who do you Volunteer for and what is your role?
Hi, my name is Sue and I volunteer for Stevenage & District RDA as treasurer, volunteer co-ordinator & trustee.
Why you got into Volunteering?
I had retired from work and my mother-in-law who lived with us had recently passed and I was left with a void in my life. However, my husband and I went to a social gathering and I was speaking to a lady who volunteered with another RDA group. It sounded very interesting and something I thought would enjoy as I love animals and it would also benefit someone else. When I got back home I looked on my computer and found out where my nearest RDA group was. I contacted them, went along to see how they operated and it immediately appealed to me. It has helped to give me a sense of purpose, provided mental and physical rewards as well as teaching me valuable skills. I’ve been a member for over 12 years now and I’m well and truly hooked!
How you make a difference ?
The RDA motto is “IT’S WHAT YOU CAN DO THAT COUNTS” and this is so very true as our participants face a number of personal challenges in life. We can make a difference in so many ways whether we side help or lead ponies, or if our participants are unable to ride, assist them with their horsecare sessions. We can participate at various events, competitions, help fundraise, receive training and are always a very valued member of the team. Everyone makes a HUGE difference.
What would you say to someone considering volunteering?
Volunteering for RDA has given me a purpose and a new direction in life. Without helpers there would be no RDA, the job is vital. Sometimes the paperwork may look a little daunting - so please come along and see what it’s all about. Our team are a very friendly bunch and you’ll be assured of a warm welcome! For more information please email us at [email protected].
Do you have an inspirational message you could leave here?
Even if you have left home feeling a little low by the time you leave an RDA session you probably will be feeling happy that you have helped to make a difference to someone’s life. You can learn new skills, help make a difference, make new friends, work as part of a team, enjoy the outdoors and keep fit. You’ll meet people from all walks of life but who have the same common goal. We operate on Monday and Thursday mornings in school term times only so perfect for Mum’s with kids at school. We are always looking for suitable volunteers who are friendly and reliable. We are flexible in our approach with the days volunteers are able to attend but if you could commit to every other week that would be great.
Find out more about the fantastic opportunities here https://www.govolherts.org.uk/o/StevenageRDA