Post | March 2025 | News Stories | 1 min read

GoVolHerts Spotlight Series

Written by Mandeep Nijjer

The Spotlight Series on our YouTube channel is a must watch for anyone interested in making a difference through volunteering. This series showcases the incredible organisations we work with, giving you an inside look at the amazing work they do and the volunteer opportunities they offer. You’ll discover a wide range of ways to get involved, whether you’re passionate about helping people, protecting the environment, or supporting local causes. It’s the perfect way to learn how you can contribute, hear inspiring stories, and find the right volunteer role for you.

In this episode, we're talking to St Albans Lions Club. They operate through local clubs and their aim is to give back to the community via raising money for local charities and individuals or doing service projects. If you want to have fun, give something back to your community or make new friends you can apply for their roles here.

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